Synopsis: In the 31st century, Supergirl is looking at a machine that Brainy built in one of his attempts to send her back to her proper time. :o This machine allows a person to look at events in the past. :| Supergirl doesn't want to look at her own life b/c she wants to recover her lost memories by herself e_e Instead she wants to look at Superman's life, b/c she doesn't know him very well and (apparently) finds him annoying and pushy. So they do. XD
Brainy tunes the machine and we see the original Superman from the 30s. :o He says that the multiversal stabilizer isn't tuned right and keeps "changing channels". We flip thru the Silver Age Superman, the Byrne-era Superman, the mullet Superman until we get to current Superman :O
We start on Krypton where a pregant Lara gives birth before Jor-El can send her and the child into space. Originally he was planning to send them both but now he can only send one, so he sends Kal-El. :\
As he launches, Kal says his first word (at the age of 0 XD) which is "mama" XD
Brainy and the other Legionnaires feel bad for Superman but Supergirl doesn't, and says that she's more lonely and that at least Superman gets adopted by great ppl. :O
We see more scenes where Clark lifts a refridgerator as a boy and watches his mom at a funeral for the last of her blood relatives. Clark asks his dad why his mom is so sad, and he says it's b/c even tho family is what you make of it, it still hurts her to lose her blood relations. :( Clark comforts his mom by saying that he doesn't have blood relatives either and they hug. :|
The Legionnaires are touched by the scene (including Brainy) but Supergirl thinks that they're being whiny (since she's the resident expert on being whiny XD) and that at least they have each other and aren't alone like her >:|
We skip ahead to Clark at Lana's family gathering. She asks him why he spends so much time with Lex Luthor and he says it's b/c Lex doesn't know nebody and could use a friend. :O
Another skip, and now Superman is doing his first superheroic act by lifting a space shuttle that was out of control and landing it. Unlike the Byrne story, he's in his Superman costume at this point and he flies away. :O
Supergirl complains about how the whole world loves him alrdy and that he's never going to be lonely cuz of how famous and great and awesome his life is. e_e
Clark goes back home and is lonely and calls his mom talking about how different things are and where his friends Pete Ross and Lana Lang went to. :o He also mentions the Legion, making the Legionnaires wondering when they met. o_o;;;
A little more into the future, Superman tries to stop the mayor's sister from conducting a crazy experiment involving plasmic energy and matter. :O She dissapears into an energy field she was working on before Superman can save her. :O Lois Lane and other reports show up and Superman doesn't say much before flying off. :o Clark then appears and tells Lois about all this reserach information he dug up about the experiment, using that as an excuse to have a business dinner with her. o_o;;
Over dinner, Clark impresses Lois with how well travelled he is, but then quickly tries to cover up by acting nerdy again. :o
Then we see Clark's first adventure with the Justice League and how much he enjoys working with other heroes. :D Flash tries to get Superman's signature but ignores Green Lantern. XD
Supergirl is still unimpressed >.<;;;
Clark and Lois are now married and Lois mentions about how her dad wants grandkids and that makes Clark upset b/c he can't take the risk of impregnating her. :o He feels sad that he may never have a kid. :(
Superman is above the Earth watching and stuff now. :o Supergirl says he's moping, but Brainy feels bad b/c Superman is so alone.
We flash forward to Supergirl's first arrival on Earth and a quick recap of the unfortunate Loeb/Turner run. =_=;;
Batman tells Superman it's for the best that Supergirl is trained by the Amazons b/c of her power. He then goes home and confides in Lois about how he worries so much about Supergirl but also is so happy b/c he has family again. :D
Supergirl seems unimpressed that she makes Superman happy. =_=;;
More into the future, the mayor's sister is back now as a villainess known as Blackstar. She fights both Supergirl and Superman (this is after Supergirl's return to the present). She starts killing them both with gravity. :o Supergirl demands that Brainy interfere and Brainy suddenly reveals that he can use the machine to allow her to send her mental waves into the past (HOW CONVENIENT). XD
Suddenly Superman breaks free of Blackstar and defeats her.
He uses his heat vision to do something. :o
The machine starts to overload and Superman is surrounded by different Brainiacs and then Supergirl is with her parents and saying that they're alive. o_o;;
Then Superman is with Lois and Supergirl and others in what looks like a new Krypton. o_O;;
The machine explodes and the Legionnaires wonder about what the images mean for the future of Superman and Supergirl. e_e
Ultra Boy thinks that Supergirl never went back to her own body, but Supergirl says she was actually in Superman's body. :O
Back in the "present" Superman looks at what he wrote with heat vision and it says "Hang in there big guy, you're not in this alone". He and Supergirl are confused and then they fly off. :|
Review: Uh oh, the ebil Supergirl's escaped from the basement again! >.>;;
Is Waid the only writer who doesn't think that Supergirl should be mean? :o Even when writing about the 31st century Supergirl, writers make her mean :(
Here she's incredibly callous and all she does is talk about how bad she has it and how great a life Superman has and how nobody can be lonely and upset but her. >:O
Also, the new DC continuity is confusing. :\
Clark is back to being Superman's disguise, and Superman made the costume and the persona before coming to Metropolis. :o He still does Byrne stuff, but also.. not? And everything is Silver Ageish, except not?
Apparently mullet Superman didn't exist nemore b/c it's just another "version" of Superman from the multiverse? :o So... did he die?
Lara just had Kal-El and then they shoved him into the spaceship and flew off? :o If the ship was meant for Lara why isn't it much bigger? And if it was meant for a very pregnant Lara, couldn't you put them both in the ship neways? The life support would be designed for a very pregnant mother, so it's not like it couldn't handle both of them. :|
I guess that Superboy doesn't meet the Legion until later (for the Legion)? :o
For an 850th issue special, this wasn't very good. :( It was mostly a sum up of Superman's life which was confusing b/c the continuity is still not very clear, and mostly consisted of Supergirl complaining. :\
I would have preferred a nice summary of what Superman's continuity is now, what happened, what didn't happen, etc and not try to use a flimsy story premise to tell it. :\
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